– Demokratische Republik Kongo

Missionsarbeit bedeutet auch politische Bildung

In einem www.youtube.com/watch; spricht Muhigirwa R. Ferdinand SJ, Jesuit aus der Demokratischen Republik Kongo über verschiedene brandaktuelle Themen. „It’s as we are in the same boat, there are not two boats, it’s one. Either we save ourselves or we perish together. And I think here I can refer to what the Pope is saying: This common house, which is ours, we have to take care of“. #Gerechtig­keitGeht

 Seine persönlichen Ziele als Missionar :
„First of all I am a Christian and a Jesuit, so my deep wish is to grow and to fly. Really I want to fly, to fly high. As a Jesuit I would like to do great things for God. And for the humanity“,

Was Missionsarbeit heute bedeutet :
„To do mission work today I think will be mainly in education. The education in highschools. The quality of education in our midst in Congo is lower, because of the social political and economic context. People are not well paid and so teachers are not motivated and so I think we need to reorganise education. Another aspect of mission work will be civic education. The bishops in Congo have decided five years ago, to be involved in civic education. Why? Because you may have good people who are clever, but if they don’t love their country, if they don’t have a kind of civic education, they will not promote, let’s say, common good, the interest of all. And another mission work which may seem not really directly linked to the mission work is elections. I think we are demanded to link the civic education to the electoral education. So that when the people are trained, they will know why they are choosing this person who can really promote the global common goods of the society and who loves the country and who’ll promote democracy. Otherwise we will not play our prophetic role as Christians or as church“

Außerdem äußert er Gedanken zu Laudato si, berichtet über jesuitische Bildungseinrichtungen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, erklärt das außergewöhnliche Agrarhilfsprojekt in Mongata mit Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe und gibt uns Europäern einen Rat.

All das sind Themen die Muhigirwa R. Ferdinand SJ anspricht. Schauen und hören Sie. Es lohnt sich diesem inspirierenden Mann Ihr Ohr für einige Minuten zu schenken:


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